If I die young - The Band Perry

It didn't start great, this morning. But still, GOOD MORNING PEOPLE.

I went to Bali last week, and to me, it was almost like beaches, bikinis, Caucasian, sexy-girls and boys. Well.

可是那时 你真的,不懂
我失望到连如何失望 我都来不及思考
连失望都来不及去失望 的失望

4 more days to Christmas. And the day is too cold for me, the weather i mean. perhapsthepeopleaswell. Oh Santa Oh Santa Oh Santa Oh Santa. He is more than a legend. *winks*

我的黑 却五颜六色 得过且过
你当然 不,...明白?

Fear, scurrying somewhere in the darkness. The figure seems to be so motionless, so deadly pale. He glared at me with vicious, unveiled loathing. I then lay on the yellowish reclining chair, signed. NICE DRAMA WOR, TOMORROW TAKE UEC RESULT TIM.

那么怎么会是我 抖
深一层的恐惧 比LunSky不敢跳的14楼更恐怖的恐惧

And it might have been cloudless. Oh don't you know it by heart yet. You know you'd do anything, anything and nothing.
很难而静止不动 如果你依然放弃
会不会有一片天空 很透明?
摩天轮不浪漫 但很慢 sein

Perfectly grey.

1 comment:

  1. OHHHH 太抽象可是我喜欢
    我想我能明白 你彩色的黑 (:
    午夜也会有太阳d .
    jiayou dotdot :) & goodluck 2mrw!

